Thursday, January 22


Well and truly flummoxed.  Where is my red wallet ?  Huh ? Huh ?  Where is it ? 

In other highly exciting news, the new DSLR has been upstaged by an even more recent new toy - we've switched over to Mac and we're not coming back. 

Which is great because everything just works, as all Mac users say - you turn it on and there it is.  Easy to use, intuitive commands in the various applications, fast, and yes, ridiculously good looking.  

Which is not so great because after resisting the iPod siren for years, I now have iPod/iPhone lust, and we need a new external hard disk for back-ups (you never know...) and this, and that, and everything else, so a major purchase is now being followed by smaller but not inconsequential purchases, and if I'm spending all my money on tech stuff I don't have any left over for shoes and handbags, and surely that's not right. 

Friday, January 9

New Year's resolutions

It's going to be hard to top last year's triumph of learning how to ride a bicycle.
So this year's resolutions, in no particular order, are:
  •  keep a clean and tidy house so that I can consider having people drop in at short or no notice without having a panic attack. (Should be feasible, if S cooperates...)
  • develop a better attitude about my job, or find a new one. (Attitude adjustment, meh. I'll try, though. New job, perhaps feasible but not ideal due to economic downturn)
  • become a better photographer instead of just a snapshot taker (yeah, I can do that. And it will be fun)
  • exercise, exercise, exercise. (So far so good: 3 yoga classes and 2 Pilates classes this week. Effects probably counteracted by having brownies, more brownies and nothing but brownies for dinner last night, but never mind)