Thursday, March 13


I've been working long enough to know that a boss is not a friend, and that I don't have to like you. But every time you pull one of these controlling, micro-managing, not a legitimate complaint about my work but just showing me who's in charge tricks, and there have been quite a few of those lately, I do like you a bit less each time. And more importantly, I respect you a lot less.


  1. hope you're still around and boss didn't eat you for breakfast...

  2. Touché! We have one of those in our office, as well. Never a legitimate complaint about the work - rather, nit-picking about who's gone past their 30 minute lunch break, and who can't have a farewell tea because they haven't been with the organisation for more than 5 years. I do have a hard time respecting those people, because it convinces me they really don't know what we DO.
