Thursday, October 26

Ode to the Sartorialist

I literally had to shoot this from the hip as I was embarrassed that I might be caught taking a photo - but these two ladies were so so chic I thought "what would Sart do" and couldn't resist...Of course, Sart would have spoken to them and taken the photo from the front, but I'm far too shy !


  1. Hi
    I came to you via Kimono Hime's blog. You mention liking marmite and I'm in New Zealand and it's a kiwi thing. So I thought hey maybe this is a kiwi in Paris. Then I went to look on your complete profile to see if it said anything about NZ but I was told, very politely: "We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request". So I'll have to keep wondering. The other spooky thing is your "Chimera" name. I've got a word game blog where people join me in thinking up wacky meanings for real words which aren't used often. Before I started the blog I just played a word of the day game with friends and "chimera" was one of my words of the day. Until then, I'd never heard of it. So, just thought I'd let you know all that! Enjoy France.

  2. Hi Word Imp, thanks for stopping by! I've had a look at Word Imperfect and it's great, I expect I'll be playing soon...

    I'm not a Kiwi, my fondness for Marmite comes via my partner who is English. I didn't know it was also a NZ thing - is it only the Australians who prefer Vegemite, then?

    I chose Chimera because originally my partner was going to blog with me, and I liked the idea of a beast with 2 heads. But he never realy got into the bloging thing, and I decided Chimera was quite appropriate for me anyway.
