Sunday, February 24

For the first time since

...well, ever, I'm actually on the way to achieving a New Year's resolution.

Having reached the ripe old age of 35 without knowing how to ride a bike (yep, a bicycle - not one with a motor) I decided it was really time to learn. I signed up for 10 - 10 ! - lessons, specifically for adults and had the first one on Saturday. I am proud to announce that I can now pedal and keep my balance and keep going, for, well, as long as I have a straight path ahead of me. Actually, I can turn around, too - as long as there is enough open space to make the turn wiiiiiiiiiide and slooooooowly.

Ridiculously proud, I was. Until I tried to show off my newly acquired skills to S and tried to ride a Velib. Back to square one, as those bikes are about as big as a horse and almost as heavy. Couldn't quite make it. But never mind, I'm sure that after the 10th lesson I will be Velib worthy, if not quite in good enough shape for the Tour de France.


  1. so next time you're in Amsterdam we're going for a bike ride?!

  2. yes, well, I hope so anyway !

  3. Excellent! You give me some hope--I never learned how to ride a bicycle either and was beginning to think that at 26, it was too late.

    Pity we have no classes here in Bangalore, it'd be less embarassing than trying to cycle up and down the lane.

  4. scribbler, it's not too late. if I can do it, I'm quite sure anybody can !
