Tuesday, May 5

late adopter

Years after everyone else in the Western world, I now have an iPod.  No, actually, I have an iPhone, and I'm such a loser that I kept the automatic email signature that says "Sent from my iPhone" because I think it's the coolest thing since,  well, warm baguette.  

So now I can be even more spaced out and in my own little world than ever before, listening to my private soundtrack while balancing precariously with my nose in a stranger's armpit on the metro at rush hour.  

Having Born to Run come on the shuffle while grocery shopping, though, that's a bit anticlimatic.  So much for rolling down the window and letting the wind blow back my hair.  Instead I chose white toilet paper (instead of pink) and muttered to myself at the price of broccoli.  (2,40 euros for a little head of hardly 500 grams, outrageous...).  But I did it all with Bruce instead of supermarket muzak, and that, my friends, can only be a good thing. 


  1. I want one too. An Iphone that is. And I'm no gadget freak what so ever

  2. It's fabulous. Seriously !

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I still don't have an Ipod an Iphone. Mr_wee has an Ipod, but I don't dare touch it for fear I'll break it.

  5. annecha10:14 AM

    You, a late adopter? Then what am I?
    And it's not even like I care, I truly can't be bothered!

  6. Annecha, you're a Luddite! But no that's not true, I remember when you got a fancy phone that played mp3s when those were quite new, you listened to music on it then...
