Wednesday, August 29

Bad food makes me angry.

Risotto with Parma ham and mozzarella, the menu said, for 17 euros. More than I want to spend on a one-course weekday lunch, but OK, fine.

A large plate appears, a small blob of pale risotto in the middle of it. Sprinkled on top, a few slivers of prosciutto-type ham, fried and crispy, and 4 little marbles of mozzarella, the kind you might toss with some cherry tomatoes to make a twee insalata caprese. The ham is tasty, but a garnish rather than a component of the dish, and the mozzarella balls are just lying there, not warm, not melting, just plopped on top of the rice like an afterthought. Mixed throughout the (rather bland) risotto itself, some diced tomato. Not a tomato sauce, not herby sun-dried tomato, just little pieces of tomato, by now warmed through by the risotto, but uncooked and out of place.

The hell ?


  1. Oh, that's just terrible. Bad risotto is such a disappointment.
