Wednesday, September 20


Wanting to take advantage of a warm sunny Indian summer day, am wearing a skirt, with bare legs and sandals - these may be the last days of being able to feel air against my skin, before wrapping up for the next 6 months in closed toe shoes, hosiery, boots, and so on.

Except that the office air-con is set to Below Freezing which is uncomfortable, but far worse, my nipples are jutting out like torpedoes even through a padded bra. Will spend the day hunching over files and legal pads clutched tighly to my chest, like an awkward teenager. Lovely.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I remember working with an English girl who during the winter would wear thin summer tops without a bra because at the end of the day our winters are like English summers, or spring at the least, but I guess the AC did get to her because her highbeams were always on, and you just didn't know where to look...
