Tuesday, September 19

You never really know

what's going on in people's lives. Self evident perhaps but I was reminded of it today. There's a woman who lives in our appartment building. We say hello when we see each other, and she's polite enough, but always seems to be in a nervous rush, and will respond to my greeting but with no eye contact or smile. She has a dog (small uncute yappy thing, but I digress) and I tend to think that perhaps she's in a hurry when our paths happen to cross because the dog needs to be taken out .

Today I saw her in the metro on my way home from work, and during the whole ride - I wasn't staring, but kept stealing glances at her, thinking that if she looked up, and recognized me, I would say hi - she looked as if she was fighting back tears - either of rage or of grief, I couldn't tell. It was scary, and uncomfortable - this agitated face of just barely under control emotion. I wonder what her story is, where she works, if she's lonely, if she's friends with any of the other neighbors.

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