Sunday, April 23


I suffer from :
  • Retirement envy. Having spent some time this past week with 2 different retired couples I have come to the conclusion that what I really want to be when I grow up is not an astrophysicist or a neurosurgeon or a movie star, but retired. Pity I still have to work for at least 30 odd years before that can happen, at best. And even then I doubt that my retirement would be nearly as comfortable.
  • Knowing what to do with long hair envy. I've always had gamine, pixie-ish short hair and even though I've been letting it grow for the past 3 years or so and it's now below shoulder length, I still think of myself as a short-haired person. Yesterday I spent 30 minutes with a very patient salesperson at the hair accessories stand of a major department store trying on various hair thingies and feeling inadequate. All the long haired women I know can casually twist their hair up in a bun, stick a pencil in it, and look great. I tried that with assorted fancy thingies and my hair is so fine and straight the damn things wouldn't stay in place. It's enough to make me want to cut it all off again.


  1. Retirement does sound good, doesn't it? And we plan on being those irritating octagenerians who hike up the Inca trail in Peru (or something like that) past the twentysomethings as they run out of breath...

    If it's any consolation, I've had long hair for a lot longer than short in my life, and I've never been able to figure out how to make it look good when it's long.

    FWIW, I thought your hair looked great!

  2. Thanks Picky !

    Retirement - yes, it helps that the retired people in question are in great shape and good health - and one of the couples spends their winters skiing in Colorado and their summers sailing the Mediterranean, with assorted travel in between... golden years indeed !

  3. Hi there - I'm another person who's usually got long hair and don't know how to wear it "up" gracefully. I've always got uneven bits that fall down and just look "messy." I decided that a nice cut is all I need. I'll probably be wearing it down until I'm past 80 years old.

    Guess we'd all better save, save, save and make good investments for our retirements. I want to see a lot more of the world.

  4. Retirement, what's that? I don't know if my generation will know what retirement is.

    Long hair...I have long thick hair that I can't really do much with. It's so heavy that it just falls down if I put it up, so I almost always just wear it loose. I'm not complaining, though. I'm quite fond of my fro.

  5. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Maybe you should cut your hair short again.


  6. Peromy, I would but it was such a pain to grow it past that annoying "in-betweeny" length that it feels like too much of an investment now...

    Wee, your hair looks gorgeous in that photo !
