Thursday, July 20

A list, a list ! (pinched from Julia)

Four jobs I've had in my life:
1. Waitress
2. French teacher
3. Admin assistant
4. Muse and confidante (OK, so that's not really a job...)

Four movies I could watch over and over:
1. The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the extended DVD version. Geeky, moi ?
2. Strictly ballroom
3. A room with a view
4. When Harry met Sally

Four places I have lived:
1. Bangkok
2. Cartagena de Indias
3. Jerusalem
4. 5 different arrondissements in Paris

Four TV shows I love to watch:
N/A as I don't have a TV... I did love Friends and have seen every single episode up until season 8, but my co-conspirator with the DVD player moved away and that was that...

Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Croatia
2. Saint Barth
3. USA
4. England

Four websites I visit daily:
1. Google
2. Current employer's intranet, which I will not link to...
3. Go fug yourself
4. New York Times

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Pho
2. Full English breakfast
3. Dim sum
4. Steak tartare

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. A beach, any beach...
2. A walled city by the sea - a place like Dubrovnik, or Saint Malo...
3. A luxurious day spa, getting a massage.
4. A village in the Cevennes, cool inside an old stone house with thick walls, in spite of the sun beating down outside.

1 comment:

  1. might have to pinch the idea you pinched for Julia for my own blog ;-)
